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This repository is a fork and most of it is not mine. Credit to @penguinify for the original repo.
A recent update to ChromeOS (v115/v116) released in August 2023 has blocked all javascript: and javascript:// bookmarklets. If you use a managed Chromebook and Devtools are turned off (that means Inspect element, etc.) (they must be turned off or bookmarklets still work) then the Car Axle Client Bookmarklet won’t work. You can still use an about:blank Injector however but some features won’t work. (Things like history flooder, scripts, etc.)
v7 example
go here (unavailble): https://github.com/car-axle-client/gme-hosting-v2
Development Setup
pnpm install
pnpm dev
pnpm build
Contributing is made to be as easy as possible.
Check out the wiki in the original repository for a guide on how the code works!
Just fork and submit a pr and I will likely add it with some minor changes.
Things you can contribute:
You could also look at github issues
For support, contact me on discord @penguinify or through github issues